I’ve worked on full length albums, EP’s, Singles, and live sound, and have experience with a variety of genres such as rock, world, jazz, pop, folk/celtic, choir, singer/songwriter, metal, and orchestral. I have a bachelor of music degree in music production and engineering. In addition to studio recording, I also work as a live sound engineer and sound designer for theater productions and events. Let me know if you have a song, album, concert, or other event you want recorded!
Some studio projects I have worked on that you can look up:
Cyprian Consiglio (world music):
–My Soul’s Companion
–The Ground We Share
–Hare Yeshu
–Awake at Last
(recording and mixing)
Innisfree – “After the Toast”(recording and mixing, celtic folk music)
Mariabruna Sirabella – “BodYnvocations”
Mariabruna Sirabella – “Longing for Oneness”
(recording and mixing, meditation/world music)
Fall Risk – Nowhere Midwest (Producer and mixing engineer, hard rock)
Collegeville Composers Group – You Will Be My Witnesses (mixing engineer, choir music)
Dusk Meridian – EP (recording, mixing, producing, metal music).
Reverend and the Jew – What Would You Say? (Basics engineer, rock music)
And lots of live sound. Lots!