Baba Hari Dass - Immersion of Ashes
This is a film of the Immersion of Ashes of Baba Hari Dass (Babaji), our Mount Madonna Center and Sri Ram Ashram guru who passed away last Fall. In November, we immersed his ashes in the Ganga river…
Interview with George Lucas
An oldie but a goodie! This was from 2007 during "Project Happiness" in which I was a cameraman. It involved a journey to India to meet and interview the Dalai Lama, but also included an interview…
Interview with His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama
In 2013 I had the privilege to be director of photography and cameraman on an interview shoot with His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama. This was the 3rd time I've filmed an interview with him at his…
Learning Journey Under the Sea
Every year Mount Madonna School takes their 9th and 10th grades to Catalina to study the ocean life there. This year (2015) I went along to document the journey and provide a short film on what goes…
Cultivating Citizens for a Global Community
An educational promo video I did for Mount Madonna School. After doing the promo video for the Elementary School, they wanted one done for the middle and high schools too. This is the high…
Interview with F.W. de Klerk
An interview I filmed with the former President of South Africa, F.W. de Klerk. Interview conducted by the students of Mount Madonna School. While there is a separate post on this site for Mount…
Educating Hearts and Minds
An educational promo video I did for Mount Madonna School. Very happy with how it turned out. It really shows the strengths and uniqueness of the school. Disclaimer: I am an alumni so have a slight…
Introduction to New Camaldoli Hermitage
"A profound and touching portrait of New Camaldoli Hermitage by way of interviews and images of our breathtaking property in Big Sur." Produced by New Camaldoli Hermitage. Filmed and Edited by Devin…
Values in World Thought Documentaries
For years I have traveled with Mount Madonna School's "Values in World Thought" program, documenting their journeys. The many years of videos is just too much to put on one website so I'll let you…
Botshabelo AIDS Orphanage
I travel with Mount Madonna School on their international trips with high school juniors and seniors, documenting the journey. This is one of my favorite and moving videos from one of these…
Intimacy: Portrait Painting
Short documentary I filmed of a friend and local Santa Cruz, CA artist. Also one of the first films I shot testing out the Panasonic AF100 camera and Nikon lenses. Music by Devin Kumar and…